
Sorbitol is a chemical with unique and unique properties. This chemical consists of atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Sorbitol can be called an alcohol, because there are six hydroxy groups in its structure. Hydroxy or OH groups cause the sorbitol molecule to behave like an alcohol as well as a multifactorial sugar. In other words, the number of hydroxides in the chemical structure of sorbitol has given it special properties.
A name is derived from sorbitol in almost every industry that is associated with food and food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients. Sorbitol is one of the most popular natural chemicals among the variety of raw materials for the production of quality products in the food and feed industry.

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Glycerin is a liquid chemical substance that is manufactured industrially in an industrial raw material manufacturing plant. The percentage of moisture absorption by glycerin is very high, which is why this material is used to provide a variety of health products and skin and hair care products.
Glycerin is naturally present in some foods, but it can be industrially synthesized by the soaping or estrification reaction. The glycerin obtained from this reaction is impure; therefore, pure distilled glycerin is produced by distillation and separation.

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Propylene glycol is a chemical of the family of alcohol. This chemical is one of the most widely used industrial materials that covers a wide range of large and small industries.
Propylene glycol is represented by Latin Propylene Glycol and consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The chemical formula of propylene glycol is represented by the symbol C3H8O2. This chemical is colorless, odorless and in the form of a liquid that has a sweet taste. Propylene glycol toxicity is minor, but when working with it, you should observe individual safety and hygiene considerations.

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Bees Wax is a natural yellowish substance found in the honeybee hive. The bee makes up the pollen of the flowers and turns it into the wax of its hive cells. Honey wax has an elasticity and is rich in organic matter. The compounds in honey bees are suitable for the production of medicinal products, food and also for industrial applications. Bees wax can be made by melting bee nests.
Honey wax is a natural compound, but in contrast, there are also synthetic synthetic waxes that are similar in nature to their natural wax names; polyethylene glycol wax and kosmonucleate wax, two examples of synthetic waxes They are counting

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Stearic Acid is an organic chemical that is placed in the category of saturated fatty acids. This 18-carbon acid is one of the most widely used industrial acids and is available in two industrial and edible grades. Stearic acid is also naturally found in edible and vegetable oils and also in the synthetic form in the industry.

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Glycerol monostearate (Glycerol Monostearate) with the chemical formula C21H24O4 is used as a raw material for the production of various edible and industrial products. This material is in fact a stabilizer or stabilizer and is derived from laboratory synthesis of substances such as glycerin and fatty acids. It is naturally present in soybean oil. Cakes, Chocolate, Butter Creams are the most important food products that use monosodium glycerol as an additive.

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Preservative & Paraben are organic compounds in which benzene ring is present in some of their derivatives. It seems that the structure and properties of these chemicals are unknown and people do not have much knowledge about them, but in reality they are not. Looking at the structure of these organic materials, we will find out the importance of them in the products of the most important industries. In this article, we try to find useful articles about the types of prestaciones and parabens. Join us by the end of this story.

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